Thursday, February 12, 2009

2nd last day of work...

It's my 2nd last day of work.... not dat i'm 'resigning' from my current work... but, as i said in my previous blog, am going or did i say 'maybe' will be taking d Secretarial Science Course... Well, went for d interview yesterday, n brabis jg konon mo ingat nama2 org penting... p bl kena tanya pula... rugi2 ja me have butterflies dlm stomach... the interviewee juz asked bout my background, simply to know me more lah... n before d interview we were given 'surat tawaran' so mmg confirm lah dpt... i'll b starting my course next week, on February 16 till Dec 31... aiyaa dunno if i can blog again after this.... maybe have to 'loan' my sis or brot punya laptop lah dis br dpt online n blog...

My gang karas treated me for lunch yesterday... makan pizza d CP... before that me n two of them mmg planning mo p makan pizza... n i didn't know that it was mainly for me until we finished eating, while paying d bills... aduiii terharunya hati ku... at first dey said its for my farewell but i said x mau klu farwell so it's a 'celebration' for me to jd student for about a year.... for sure i'll miss each one of them...

Am kinda of worry pl x siap my 'tugasan' b4 i leave.. n i have only 2 days left... n kalau terpigi on Sunday, have to work d whole day lah...p mmg have to come lah on Sunday.. if not, x senang my jiwa raga meninggalkan kerja2 ni...

well, gotta go... mo smbung keja lagi... :)