Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ma VaLentInEs....

It was 'another' valentine's day yesterday... but for me i prefer that everyday is a valentine... so i celebrate valentine everyday, showing my love to my love one every single day or if possible every single second of my life...

Can't remember exactly if did 'celebrate' valentine before... maybe once or twice, when i was in high school or college... When i was in high school, on February if i am not mistaken, cuz its been berkurun lama dahulu..., for those who stayed in d dorm, we had a program which called 'secret penpal' n d penghujung usually on Valentine... In my last year of high school, i was 'incharged'of that program since my kawan who suppose incharge kena chicken pox... Its a custom for both of the social leader from girls n boys dormitory to give 'pen' name for the penghuni asrama... n the leader shouldn't follow it, but it was 'emergency' so i terfollow jg... I was really shocked when d other leader gave me d lists of nama2 yg d cabut oleh boys, my name was picked by my 'bestest fren',... n according to d leader, he was d last one 2 pickd up a name... i have to pretend i dun know ath when i was with him... he wrote those letter in front of me, n he even read d letter to me when he received one... aduiii, honestly its so hard to control n not telling him that it was me, his penfren dat time... we were classmates, n juz imagine i was with him al d time, without him having single idea it was me... i asked him bout his 'gf' n 2 my surprised, he replied n telling me, d penfren, everything bout me... aduiii... buat me segan ja wit him... n yg paling teruk, when he asked me to buy gift for his penfren... adakah me wan to buy hadiah for myself... i asked him to buy it sendiri, nanti bikin malu ja beli hadiah sendiri... He was surprised to find out it was me at d end... especially when i ejek2 him bout his 'letter'... its kinda of funny... we do end up being a couple after that, but when i further my studies, i told him that we better stayed bestfren... he's special.... i've known him since we 'budak hingusan' lg.. i told him everything.... he's a great guy, n truly i appreciate all d times, memories that we spent together... When i decided to end our 'luv relationship'... i lost mybestfren... even now i still wish that we can be bestfren again, but i know it's impossible... i'm kinda grateful that he's still my fren... eventhough i truly miss our 'bestfren' time... well dat was cerita lama, but sumtimes when i teringat pasal highschool, surely i'll remember him jg, kenangan terindah lah katakan...

Now i'm grateful, thankful, really happy for my sayang... he's such a blessing to me... n i love him with my whole life... can't imagine mylife without him... eventhough often times we gaduh2 jg, but dats wat making our love n relationship stronger.... even though skarang we have to bjauhan lagi, d pisahkan ole lautan... p 'out of sight, fresh in mindkan...'...

well, i better kc siap my keja... 2moro will be starting a new 'chapter' in my life, as a student again... ;)